Cola Bora Dio broadcasts every Tuesday from 6am until 6am on Wednesday on 88.4FM in Berlin and 90.7FM in Potsdam. It was founded in 2011 and is part of the Freie Radios Berlin Brandenburg group, along with Frrapo (in Potsdam), Pi-Radio and Studio Ansage. Together we share the licence for the frequency from Monday to Thursday each week. The 4-day programme and further information can be found here:
From its inception, colaboradio has been a collaboration of different disciplines and backgrounds working together under one name, but encompassing and facilitating a very diverse content. There is a broad focus that includes scenes from Berlin and beyond that could be categorised under names such as hacker community, sound art, feminism, soft/hardware activists, radio art, independent club culture, cross-ethnic musical explorations, noise and avant-garde classical music scenes. These various groups have found a common umbrella under which they attempt to de-centre mainstream narratives and enrich the radio listening experience of our chosen city, Berlin.
Retaining a focus on cultural diversity, colaboradio reflects a progressive and ever-changing social landscape in Berlin. In addition to the many local participants, there are also contributions and collaborations from outside the city. From Germany we have streams from Radio Corax (Free Radio Halle) and Ohrsicht (Radio for and by the visually impaired). From France we have APDM (RCN - Nancy), APO33 (Fibrr Records - Nantes) and ∏-node (Mulhouse/Paris), from Belgium Radio Picnic (Zonoff - Brussels) and from the UK Zoviet France (Resonance FM - London). The Archipel Stations make a significant contribution both locally and abroad, enriching colaboradio's programming with a healthy dose of input from the American archipelagos.
Live broadcasting is also a thing. When this happens, it usually takes place in one of our two shared studios, The Raumfahrtagentur in Wedding and Haus der Statistik next to Alexander Platz.